Vaujany is a commune in the Isère department, located in the canton of Oisans, about 50 km from Grenoble and 150 km from Lyon.
To access the ski resort by car, take the RD 1091 from Grenoble.
Then D 526 at the Rochetaillée crossroads, a few kilometers before Bourg d´Oisans.

GPS coordinates :
Latitude: 45 ° 9 ′ 28.008 ″
Longitude: 6 ° 4 ′ 36.984 ″


* Mandatory
Les Balcons de Vaujany

1 passage des balcons
38114 Vaujany - France

Tél : 06 87 04 23 47 - 06 71 02 35 16